OT Therapy Works
Helping Children REACH
for Their Highest Goals

Our Philosophy

At OT Therapy Works, we believe each child is unique and design individualized treatment plans to help every child entrusted to our care reach his or her highest goals.  We believe family support is vital to the therapeutic process and involve family in treatment sessions as well as provide activities to implement into daily routines.

*Occupational therapy services are provided in the natural environment of the home or daycare.


"My son has shown great improvement in strength and balance since starting OT. I have no doubt that my son would have taken much longer to reach his milestones without the guidance of OT Therapy Works." - Andrea

"Michelle has been with us for many years. My child has had many improvements from the work she does with him. When Michelle first started seeing him he had many sensory issues like keeping his hands in fists all the time to keep from touching anything. My child, after just a short time of seeing her, started touching everything and now really has no issue with any type of texture. We are very grateful for all the work she does with him." - Jennifer

“We can’t say enough good things about Ms. Michelle! Her feeding therapy was so helpful for our son Hunter. She not only took a sensory approach, but an oral motor approach as well and that combination, for him, made such a difference. She also made sure I felt comfortable and empowered to keep up with the techniques she taught us in between sessions. Feeding used to be such a stressful time, but with Michelle’s help Hunter was able to improve his feeding skills drastically. We can’t thank her enough! “ - Wendy